XX International Scientific Conference for Students and Postgraduates “PROBLEMS OF THE ARCTIC REGION”
17-18 May 2023,

MMBI's Publications 2018
The monograph presents results of long-term studies of the Kamchatka crab, an alien species that is currently under intensive fishing in the Barents Sea. The data on population structure (size composition, sex ratio), injuries of individuals, population dynamics, the influence of climatic factors on the population indices of the Kamchatka crab of the Barents Sea are given. Data on growth processes of the crab are discussed: hormonal regulation, growth characteristics of juveniles and molt flow; The results of experiments on the regulation of the molting process are considered. Communities of associated organisms populating the Kamchatka crab are described in detail, and factors influencing them are identified. A comparative analysis of the Kamchatka crab and other common species of crabs of the Barents Sea was made. A methodology for conducting expert examinations of the Kamchatka crab of the Barents Sea is presented, which makes it possible to evaluate quantitative indicators, as well as the nature of the damage from the illegal catch of crab. The consequences of the introduction of the Kamchatka crab into the Barents Sea are discussed.
The monograph was prepared in the framework of the State Assignment of MMBI KSC RAS "Kamchatka crab in the Barents Sea ecosystem: the role of an invader in bottom communities and the formation of coastal bioproductivity" (No. 01201366848).
For marine biologists, ecologists, fish industry specialists, graduate students, university professors and students.
Kola Bay and Oil: Biota, Vulnerability Maps, Pollution / Editor-in-chief Doctor of Geographic Sciences А. А. Shavykin; MMBI KSC RAS. – Saint Petersburg: Renome, 2018. – 520 p.
ISBN 978-5-00125-067-8
DOI: 10.25990/renomespb.w0pj-zq52
Role of Kola Bay and Murmansk seaport as the largest transport hub in Russian Arctic shore is shown. Hydrology, biota (phyto- and zoobenthos, avifauna), especially significant objects and anthropogenic pollution of Kola Bay are described. Results of research on oil properties changes after a spill in the sea are presented. Review of main mapping vulnerability/sensitivity of sea-coastal zones to oil methods is given. Vulnerability mapping method developed in MMBI and seasonal multi-scale vulnerability maps of Kola Bay water to oil made on this method are the core of monograph. A new approach to assess biota vulnerability parameters and calculate water integral vulnerability to oil is submitted. Maps of Kola Bay shoreline sensitivity by ESI index are represented. Information on results of Kola Bay satellite monitoring and preparedness of force and facilities to potential oil spills is contained. The monograph is targeted at different OSR and environmental protection specialists to discuss various mapping vulnerability/sensitivity of sea-coastal zones to oil methods including MMBI method stated in this paper. The monograph is meant for marine ecosystem exploitation, environmental protection and OSR specialists, oceanographers, biologists, ecologists.
Sea of Azov: oceanography, physical geography, hydrobiology in scientific works of academician G.G. Matishov. Reprint reproduction of articles from 1998–2017 Acad. G.G. Matishov and co-authors. – Rostov-on-Don: Publishing House of the SSC RAS, 2018. - 552 p. – ISBN 978-5-4358-0171-2.
The publication is a reprint of selected articles published of 1998–2017 from scientific journals "Science of the South of Russia" (from 2004 to 2015 - "Bulletin of the Southern Scientific Center"), "Reports of the Academy of Sciences", "Oceanology", "Proceedings of the RAS (Academy of Sciences of the USSR). geographic series", "Ecology", "Water Resources".
The collection includes selected works that give an idea of the current state and trends in the ecosystem of the Sea of Azov. Articles present results of comprehensive studies, starting from 1998, in the field of geomorphology, palaeogeography, hydrology, hydrochemistry, radiochemistry, ecotoxicology, hydrobiology, sea ecology and environmental protection, as well as sociology and political science. The dependence of ecosystem functioning on climatic phenomena and anthropogenic factors are described. The main directions of variability in the structure of hydrobiont communities and causes of a decrease in the fish productivity of the reservoir are shown.
The purpose is to present the advantage of an integrated approach to studying the ecosystem of the Sea of Azov, used by scientists of the Azov branch of Murmansk Marine Biological Institute KSC RAS and Southern Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as to attract the attention of researchers, government officials and entrepreneurs in the aquaculture industry to modern problems of the Azov Sea basin.
The book is focused on a wide range of specialists in the field of oceanography, hydrobiology, geography, ecology, environmental protection, rational use of reservoir resources. It can be used as a manual for environmental and marine sciences students.
The fifth issue of the Transactions of the Kola Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences of the series "Oceanology"
The issue is dedicated to results of MMBI integrated sea expeditions aboard the RV “Dalnie Zelentsy” in 2016 and summer and autumn-winter periods of 2017. The present-day data on oceanography, hydrochemistry, and hydrobiology are presented on the Kola meridian section in the northern part of the Barents Sea, in Kola and Motovsky bays. The collection includes ten scientific articles.
Svetochev V.N., Svetocheva O.N. Harp seal: biology, ecology, cropping / V.N. Svetochev, О.N. Svetocheva; [resp. ed. N.N. Kavtsevich]; MMBI KSC. - Apatity: Ed. KSC RAS, 2018. - 174 p. - ISBN 978-5-91137-371-9.
The article presents modern basic research methods and results of many years of research by authors on biology and ecology of the harp seal of the White Sea population. Materials on distribution, migrations, numbers of harp seals in the White and Barents seas are given. Peculiarities of whelping rocks formation, childbearing, growth and development of seals of the White Sea population are studied. An assessment of energy needs of the harp seal was made, trophic relationships of the species of real seals in the White Sea were shown. Materials on vulnerability and main risks for the White Sea population in the industrial development of the shelf conditions of the northern seas are given. The history and present state of harp seals are considered in detail.
Studies on ecosystems of the Arctic: Proceedings of the XXXVI Conference for Young Scientists at MMBI KSC RAS devoted to the 40-year anniversary of the RV «Dalnie Zelentsy»; [Editor-in-chief D.V. Moiseev]; Murmansk Marine Biological Institute Kola Science Center RAS. – Murmansk: Publ. MMBI KSC RAS, 2018. – 106 p.
The collection contains abstracts of scientific articles of the XVII International Scientific Conference of Students and Postgraduates “Problems of the Arctic Region”. The book includes results of scientific work of students and graduate students of various universities, scientific organizations and their branches. Subjects of submitted reports include research related to physical, chemical, biological, medical, environmental, technical issues, as well as on issues of pedagogy, economics and sociology of the Arctic region.
Problems of the Arctic region: Proceedings of the XVII International Scientific Conference for Students and Postgraduates (Murmansk, 15 May 2018) – Apatity: KSC RAS Publishing, 2018. – 159 p. – ISBN 978-5-91137-375-7
The collection contains scientific articles based on reports of the XVII International Scientific Conference of Students and Postgraduates “Problems of the Arctic Region”. The book includes results of scientific work of students and graduate students of various universities, scientific organizations and their branches. Subjects of submitted reports include research related to physical, chemical, biological, medical, environmental, technical issues, as well as on issues of pedagogy, economics and sociology of the Arctic region.
The monograph is devoted researches of coastal marine ecosystems of the northeastern Black Sea, including areas of intensive shipping and recreation as well as the Kerch strait and the Sea of Azov exposed to anthropogenic impact. Results of research of phytoplankton, heterotrophic bacteria, protozoan, holoplankton, meroplankton, ichthyoplankton are presented. The analysis of zoobenthos as an indicator of euthrophication of benthic sediments is performed. It is revealed that sulfides accumulation in the top layer of benthic sediments is the most dangerous ecological consequence of anthropogenous pollution. Results of monitoring of biological invasions and ships‟ ballast water in the Novorossiysk port are presented. The estimations of ecological risks of marine biological invasions with water transport to the northeastern Black Sea and the Sea of Azov are given. Trophodynamic models of bays and harbours ecosystems have been developed. Common and specific features of their transformation under the influence of intensive anthropogenous impact are submitted. Tendencies of the variability of quality of water resources and their potential abilities to natural selfpurification are revealed. Role of zooplankton in the structurally functional organization of the ecosystem has been shown. The book is addressed to hydrobiologists, oceanologists, teachers and students of institutes of higher education.