


Experts from the Russian-Norwegian group to study the radioactive contamination of northern territories met at a meeting held in Sochi from May 20 to 22, 2019. From the Russian side, representatives of various organizations: Roshydromet, Rosatom, Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Education and Science, and other interested departments participated in the working meeting. A delegation of Norwegian Radiation Protection Agency and Institute of Marine Research headed by the Policy Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Norway arrived in Sochi from Norway.

Issues of radioactive contamination of environment monitoring, as well as rehabilitation of facilities and territories in the North and North-West of Russia, which were subjected to radioactive contamination in the past were discussed at the meeting. Denis Moiseev, Deputy Director for Science at MMBI, took an active part in the discussion on this topic. He also presented two reports: “Radioecological Studies of MMBI in the Arctic” and “Radioecological Studies in the Barents Sea coast, as part of monitoring the environment during radioactive waste management (using the example of Kola and Motovsky bays), in which he voiced new data obtained by the Oceanography and Radioecology Laboratory of the Institute.











Photos are taken from Rosgidromet site

More information about the event on Rosgidromet site