


On May 22, 2019, Darya Valuyskaya, a researcher at the Laboratory of Oceanography and Radioecology, participated as a representative of MMBI in the popular science show “Trial on Superheroes”. The main organizer of the scientific and educational event for middle and high school students in Murmansk is the Information Center on Atomic Energy (ICAE of Murmansk). Purpose of the event is to show that science and technology are constantly narrowing the field of fiction, in other words: what seemed yesterday impossible fiction, tomorrow will become part of everyday life. The task of MMBI KSC RAS researcher, who acted as the “prosecutor of Iron Man”, included a presentation with scientifically substantiated evidence of the impossibility of the real manifestation of some fantastic properties of a superhero in connection with laws of physics and chemistry. The evidence of the “scientific prosecutor” turned out to be quite weighty, and the court sentenced Iron Man to “scientific works”.
















Read more about the event on the ICAE Murmansk website