


On May 16, 2019, the XXI-XVII Conference of Young Scientists of Murmansk Marine Biological Institute, “Research into Arctic Ecosystems”, dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the Murmansk Biological Station creation, was successfully held at MMBI KSC RAS.

The program of the scientific event included 18 oral reports, total 62 people took part in the event. The conference opened with words of the Director of the Institute, Professor P.R. Makarevich. In his parting speech, the head of the Institute spoke about the role of such events in training of young professionals, development of their skills and abilities. He emphasized the high importance of live communication and discussion in implementation of large scientific projects and research projects. P.R. Makarevich also mentioned that this event is devoted to the most important page in the history of the Kola Arctic - the creation of the first in the Barents Sea research organization of the Murmansk Biological Station in Aleksandrovsk, the ideological heir of which is Murmansk Marine Biological Institute. The session opened with an introductory report by the leading scientist of MMBI, laboratory of ichthyology and physiology chief researcher O.V. Karamushko. The speaker reported about the history of creation and milestones of the station, detailing the role of its leaders, development of technical equipment, field and experimental studies of marine biologists of those years.


Young scientists, students and graduate students presented results of their experimental researches, which they carried out at testing grounds and biological stations of the institute. Most of reports were based on an analytical synthesis of the data collected during integral sea expeditions to the Arctic seas of Russia. All reports aroused great interest, the most debatable was the report of A.S. Bulavina "The three-dimensional position of the Barents Sea water masses in spring of 2018", where a new research approach to the study of frontal zones in the Arctic waters was shown. Original experiments to study the effect of the diesel fuel film on functioning of green algae were set by D.O. Salakhov. Results of the experiment, he noted in his report, the emotion and brightness of which caused a lively response from the audience. Leading scientists of the Institute positively evaluated of Z.Yu. Rumyantseva and K.K. Moskvina works, for whom such a reporting session was the first. According to results of the creative competition held among the MMBI employees, winners were: O. Bondarev, A. Bulavina, M. Venger, A.A. Noskovich, D.O. Salakhov, S.A. Chaus.

Link to the report Murman State TV and Radio Company "Murman":