XX International Scientific Conference for Students and Postgraduates “PROBLEMS OF THE ARCTIC REGION”
17-18 May 2023,

MMBI researchers took part in the IV International Scientific Conference "The Arctic: Past and Present," organized jointly by Murmansk State Technical University and St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great. The conference was divided in two stages; the second was in Murmansk from April 23 to April 24, 2019 in the conference halls of AZIMUT Hotel Murmansk.
The conference was attended by representatives of legislative and executive authorities of the Murmansk region, Emergencies Ministry, leading industry enterprises and scientific and educational organizations in the region, as well as Norway, Sweden and Finland in addition to researchers and university students.
As part of events held in Murmansk, MMBI scientists presented reports at the section “Problems of environmental and technological safety in the Arctic region”, devoted to results of scientific research conducted in the framework of RFBR projects “Radioactive contamination and secondary sources of anthropogenic isotopes in seas of the Arctic Ocean at the turn XX-XXI centuries" and "New bioremediation technologies and the role of phytocenoses in cleaning coastal waters of the Arctic seas in emergency situations associated with storage and hydrocarbons transport”.

Ph.D. I.S. Usyagina delivered the report “Radioactive contamination and secondary sources of anthropogenic isotopes in the seas of the Arctic Ocean at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries” | speech of PhD I.V. Ryzhik “New bioremediation technologies and the role of phytocenoses in the cleaning of coastal waters of the Arctic Seas in emergencies related to the storage and transportation of hydrocarbons” |