


The scientific expeditionary vessel "Akademik Treshnikov" is getting ready today to go to sea and carry out the first stage of the expedition "TRANSARCTIC - 2019". The main goal of the expedition will be to conduct comprehensive studies of hydrometeorological processes in high latitudes in order to further improve models of weather and climate forecast and increase their accuracy. New knowledge gained in the course of a large-scale state project will deepen understanding of laws governing the formation of the state of the Arctic environment, its probable changes in the scale of the foreseeable time perspective, which is of great scientific and practical importance.
Employees of MMBI KSC RAS will take part in the first stage of the expedition as part of the hydrobiological detachment. The scientific group of biologists will be headed by an employee of the Laboratory of Oceanography and Radioecology at the Institute of PhD Nikita Meshcheryakov. Nikita will conduct studies on the pollution of technogenic radionuclides (137Cs, 90Sr, etc.) of the components of the marine and air environment in the Arctic Ocean (marine under-ice and deep water, sea ice, snow, bottom sediments and aerosols) in order to assess the radioecological state of the Arctic environment of the Arctic basin. Olga Zimina, a researcher at the zoobenthos laboratory at MMBI, is setting herself a task to obtain information on species composition and quantitative distribution of macro- and meiozoobenthos on the shelf and continental slope along the march, to identify particular biogeographic composition and influence on it of hydrological factors.


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