XX International Scientific Conference for Students and Postgraduates “PROBLEMS OF THE ARCTIC REGION”
17-18 May 2023,

Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow State University named after K.A. Timiryazev held the 8th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Conservation of animal diversity and the hunting economy of Russia", February 21-22. Famous Russian scientists V.G. Krivenko, E.S. Ravkin, N.K. Zheleznov-Chukotky, A.P. Kaledin, L.V. Malovichko and others participated in the conference. The geography of Russian participants was widely represented: from Kaliningrad to Kamchatka and Sakhalin. There was a delegation of Mongolian zoologists among the participants. The plenary session was devoted to the protection and restoration of species. The chief research officer of MMBI, Professor Natalia Lebedeva, made a plenary report entitled “Restoration of the Ancer ancer grey goose population in the Western Manych: climate or effective management?”. Materials underlying this study were obtained on the basis of private hunting estate Argamak R, which for several years invested in managing waterfowl populations, which led to the restoration of grey goose number in the local population and an increase in the number of migrating geese from the northern populations.