


Murmansk Marine Biological Institute became a platform for the All-Russian action “Open Laboratory - 2019”, which involved more than 60 pupils of 9–11 classes of general educational institutions of Murmansk, in partnership with the Municipal Budgetary Institution of Additional Professional Education of Murmansk, “City Information and Methodological Center for Education Workers”. Also, the event's venues were the Atomic Energy Information Center of Murmansk and “Gymnasium No. 7”.


Pupils of educational institutions took part in the “Laboratory”: gymnasiums No. 1, No. 2, No. 5, No. 6, No. 10, Murmansk Polytechnic and International Lyceums. The head of the laboratory of environmental engineering at MMBI KSC RAS, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Anatoly Alexandrovich Shavykin, became the head. “Laboratory technicians” answered 27 interesting questions and tasks from fields of physics, chemistry, biology, geography, astronomy, history, technology and demography, after which they discussed correct answers together with the head of the team and made work on bugs. Students who scored more points in a writing test were encouraged by memorable souvenirs.






















In the second part of the event, schoolchildren went to Murmansk Marine Biological Institute laboratories for practical exercises and master classes. In the laboratory of zoobenthos from Ekaterina Obluchinskaya, guys learned how to analyze the content of biologically active substances of algae by high-performance liquid chromatography using fucoxanthin as an example in the “Medicinal plants of the Barents Sea“. In the laboratory of algology at a practical lesson “Photosynthesis in the sea”, which was conducted by Inna Ryzhik and Svetlana Malavenda, the children determined the algae, learned to conduct sample preparation, worked on laboratory equipment. Students learned about the life cycles of certain groups of parasitic organisms in the Barents Sea, and were able to work with microscopic techniques at the lesson of the laboratory of ornithology and parasitology, Vadim Kuklin, “The Invisible World of Parasites”. Darya Valuyskaya from the Laboratory of Oceanography and Radioecology taught at an excursion-practical lesson “Radiation around us”, and introduced adolescents to the instrumental base of the Institute, through which schoolchildren were able to measure the radioactivity of lichens and cloudberries.

On February 11, 2019, Murmansk Marine Biological Institute declared the day of open doors on the research vessel “Dalnie Zelentsy”. Pupils of Murmansk Gymnasium No. 7 visited the scientific vessel MMBI with the excursion “How Oceanologists Work”, which was conducted by the Deputy Director for Science Denis Moiseev.