


Two events devoted to the study of the Arctic nature were attended by MMBI KSC RAS members, Professor Grigory Voskoboinikov and a leading researcher at the laboratory of zoobenthos, PhD Alexander Gudimov. Professor G.M. Voskoboynikov shared his impressions:

The first event (January 14, 2019) - the exhibition-conference “Polar Night. Life and Light in the Dark of Night”, organized by the Consulate General of Norway in St. Petersburg in conjunction with the University of Tromso - Arctic University of Norway and the Faculty of Biology of St. Petersburg State University (SPbU). The exhibition was held on the legendary icebreaker "Svyatogor", the second domestic icebreaker (after "Yermak"), built in 1916-1917 in England, in Newcastle, by order of the Main Directorate of Shipbuilding of Russia, and renamed "Krasin" in 1927. One of the mess-companies completely imitates the polar night in the ocean. Illustrative material, sea animals and plants, placed on walls, could only be seen with the help of flashlights. At the scientific meeting on the icebreaker, presentations were made, great attention was paid to mechanisms of hydrobionts adaptation to the absence of light and low temperatures. There were reports by Norwegian colleagues on the vision of further development of joint research and educational programs of Norwegian and Russian specialists, students on Arctic research.

On February 8, the White Sea Student Scientific Session of St. Petersburg State University was also devoted to the study of northern seas. According to the words of one of the conference organizers, head of Department of Invertebrates, Faculty of Biology A.I. Granovich, the main mission of the conference is to support and develop enthusiasm of undergraduate and graduate students who begin their scientific career in research related to the Arctic. Young participants not only presented their own results but also had the opportunity to hear reports from experts in various areas of Arctic research - invited speakers. The special focus of the event was on creating the most favourable conditions for establishing contacts between students and their future employers and the formation of interdisciplinary projects related to the Arctic. Participants of the scientific session were students and graduate students of St. Petersburg State University, Moscow State University, Kazan Federal University, as well as several other universities and academic institutions that specialize in different areas of biology, geography, geology, physics. Authors of invited reports were specialists from St. Petersburg State University, Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Among the invited speakers were employees of MMBI KSC RAS: Dr G.M. Voskoboynikov with the report "Possible role of macrophyte algae in the purification of coastal waters from petroleum products: from theory to practice" and PhD A.V. Gudimov with the report "Online biomonitoring - a hike in a new reality"

I would like to note the excellent organization of both events and the high level of reports by students and young scientists presented at the conference.