


The XI International Conference of the Working Group on Sandpipers of Northern Eurasia "Current Issues of Studying Sandpipers of Northern Eurasia" was held in Minsk, from January 29 to February 3, 2019, and brought together about 100 scientists from Belarus, Bulgaria, Germany, Georgia, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Estonia. The conference was held on the basis of Biological Faculty of the Belarusian State University, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus and the Working Group on Sandpipers took part in the organization. The leading ornithologist of Murmansk Marine Biological Institute, Professor Natalia Lebedeva, took part in the conference.






















The conference discussed problems of climate influence, hunting, an anthropogenic transformation of a landscape on sandpipers, preservation of vulnerable and rare species, structure and dynamics of sandpipers number, new data on individual species biology, a relationship of external morphology and evolution of sandpipers sexual behaviour. An oral report on the section “Seasonal flights and migratory links of sandpipers” was presented by Natalia Lebedeva, chief researcher of the Ornithology and Parasitology Department of MMBI. Results of many years research at the migratory stop of sandpipers in spring in the valley of the Western Manych, through which species nesting in the Arctic and in more southerly regions of Eastern Europe fly was presented. The change in arrival time of sandpipers within climate change at the beginning of the 21st century is shown. During the conference, a reporting and election meeting of the Working Group on Sandpipers of Northern Eurasia was held, at which members of the group discussed results for 2 years and plans for further cooperation of bird groups from different regions of Eurasia, preparing species essays for a collective reference book: Birds of Russia and adjacent territories. Sandpipers.

The conference was well organized. During the backstage discussions of the President of the Menzbirov Ornithological Society and members of the Central Council, the possibility of holding the International Ornithological Conference of Northern Eurasia in Minsk in 2020 was discussed.