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XX International Scientific Conference for Students and Postgraduates “PROBLEMS OF THE ARCTIC REGION”
17-18 May 2023,

The Murmansk Marine Biological Institute has issued a collective monograph “Kola Bay and Oil: Biota, Vulnerability Maps, Pollution”, which shows the role of Kola Bay and seaport of Murmansk as the largest transport hub on the Russian Arctic coast.
The book describes hydrology, biota (phyto- and zoobenthos, avifauna), especially significant areas and anthropogenic pollution of Kola Bay. Results of studies on changes in properties of oil after its spill into sea are presented. An overview of the main methods of mapping sensitivity and vulnerability of coastal-sea zones from oil is given. The core of the monograph is the methodology for constructing vulnerability maps developed in MMBI and seasonal multi-scale maps of Kola Bay water area built on it based on oil. A fundamentally new approach to estimating vulnerability parameters of biota and calculating integral vulnerability of the water area from oil exposure is presented. Maps of sensitivity of the Bay coasts by the ESI index are given. It contains information on the results of satellite monitoring of the Kola Bay and the readiness of forces and equipment for potentially possible oil spills in the Bay. The monograph is aimed at discussing with experts related to the elimination of oil spills in the sea and environmental protection, various methods of mapping sensitivity/vulnerability of coastal-sea zones from oil, including the MMBI method described in this paper.
The publication was carried out with the financial support of MMBI partners: LLC “North-West Reloading Complex”, Center for Marine Research, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, JSC "Arctic Marine Exploration Expedition", LLC "FRECOM".
The book describes hydrology, biota (phyto- and zoobenthos, avifauna), especially significant areas and anthropogenic pollution of Kola Bay. Results of studies on changes in properties of oil after its spill into sea are presented. An overview of the main methods of mapping sensitivity and vulnerability of coastal-sea zones from oil is given. The core of the monograph is the methodology for constructing vulnerability maps developed in MMBI and seasonal multi-scale maps of Kola Bay water area built on it based on oil. A fundamentally new approach to estimating vulnerability parameters of biota and calculating integral vulnerability of the water area from oil exposure is presented. Maps of sensitivity of the Bay coasts by the ESI index are given. It contains information on the results of satellite monitoring of the Kola Bay and the readiness of forces and equipment for potentially possible oil spills in the Bay. The monograph is aimed at discussing with experts related to the elimination of oil spills in the sea and environmental protection, various methods of mapping sensitivity/vulnerability of coastal-sea zones from oil, including the MMBI method described in this paper.
The publication was carried out with the financial support of MMBI partners: LLC “North-West Reloading Complex”, Center for Marine Research, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, JSC "Arctic Marine Exploration Expedition", LLC "FRECOM".