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XX International Scientific Conference for Students and Postgraduates “PROBLEMS OF THE ARCTIC REGION”
17-18 May 2023,

Gazprom Neft Shelf has completed work on the Ecological Atlas of the Pechora Sea. In March 2018, it already appeared on working tables of scientists, ecologists, oil and gas industry specialists, employees and volunteers of nature protection organizations. The richly illustrated book contains results of environmental studies and programs of Gazprom Neft Shelf Ltd. for many years - in particular, unique data on Arctic flora and fauna in the Prirazlomnaya offshore ice-resistant fixed platform (OIRFP) operation area - the only extraction project in the Russian Arctic oil.
Murmansk Marine Biological Institute as a participant of many projects with Gazprom Neft Shelf as a part of the creative team of Frecom Ltd., PINRO, Research-expedition center "Marine Mammals", MMBI KSC RAS, took part in the work on Atlas:
Design and layout: Frecom Ltd.
Editorial Board: D. Shakhin, G. Amarov, G. Rybkina, M. Tarasov, V. Lugovskaya, M. Kargashina, V. Semenova, A. Boltunov, S. Volkov
Design and layout: Frecom Ltd.
Editorial Board: D. Shakhin, G. Amarov, G. Rybkina, M. Tarasov, V. Lugovskaya, M. Kargashina, V. Semenova, A. Boltunov, S. Volkov
Cartography: Frecom Ltd., PINRO, Research-expedition center "Marine Mammals", MMBI KSC RAS
Photos: Gazprom Neft Shelf, Frecom Ltd., Research-expedition center "Marine Mammals", MMBI KSC RAS.
Cartographic basis: "Digital model of the Russian Federation territory terrain"
scale 1: 1000000 (Certificate of the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks No. 2006620097 of 29.03.2006); © DATA +, 2006
Details of the Atlas can be found in MMBI KSC RAS Library.
Cartographic basis: "Digital model of the Russian Federation territory terrain"
scale 1: 1000000 (Certificate of the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks No. 2006620097 of 29.03.2006); © DATA +, 2006
Details of the Atlas can be found in MMBI KSC RAS Library.