
16.05.2017-18.05.2017, Murmansk
On the 16th of May, 2017 the XVI International scientific conference for Students and Postgraduates “Problems of the Arctic region” will occur





Sixteenth International Scientific Conference for Students and Postgraduates


Murmansk, Russia, 16 May 2017

First Announcement

Sixteenth International Scientific Conference for Students and Post-graduates “Problems of the Arctic Region” is devoted to scientific, environmental, technical, economic, and social aspects of the development of the Arctic. The conference will be divided into sections “Biology and Medicine”, “Chemistry and Technology”, “Ecology of the North”, “Economical problems of Arctic development”, «Education in the Arctic region”, “Geology and Geophysics of the Arctic Region”, “Hydrobiology”, “Information Technologies and Mathematical Methods”, “Marine biology”, “Physical studies”, “Humanitarian and Social problems”. Suggestions on new topics are welcome. The conference will be introduced by a plenary report on one of burning issues of modern science.

Students and post-graduates interested in participating in the Conference are welcome to e-mail their registration forms and papers to the Steering Committee until 21 April 2016. The registration form must contain the title of the report, names of the authors, scientific adviser, full name of the organization, address, e-mail of the contact person, dates of arrival and departure. The volume of the paper should not exceed one page. Participants should also indicate if they need assistance with the hotel booking.


The paper is to be arranged in the following way:

1. TITLE OF THE REPORT (14 pt type Times New Roman Bold, center).

2. Names and surnames of the authors (12 pt, Bold, center).

3. Organization name; e-mail of the contact person (12 pt, center).

4. Empty line.

5. Text of the report.

The paper is to be printed with single-spaced text and 12 pt type Times New Roman in MS Word. All margins are to be 2 cm, with 1.25 cm indentation, justification, hyphenation should be automatic, formulas should be processed with Microsoft Equation, use numbers or letters when listing.

According to the results of the conference the best works will be identified and winners awarded. Financial support for participants' travel from other regions is not provided, foreign participants of the conference may be granted a hostel.

Languages of the Conference – English and Russian.


Steering Committee

Matishov G.G., chairman, academician RAS, D. Sc., MMBI KSC RAS, Murmansk, Russia

Kozelov B.V., deputy of the chairman, D. Sc., PGI, Murmansk, Russia

Braaten D., professor, PhD, KU, Lawrence, USA

Demidov V.I., research professor, PhD, WVU, Morgantown, USA

Kibitkin A.I., professor, D. Sc., MSTU, Murmansk, Russia

Larichkin F.D., professor, D. Sc., IEP KSC RAS, Apatity, Russia

Makarevich P.R., professor, D. Sc., MMBI KSC RAS, Murmansk, Russia

Masloboev V.A., professor, D. Sc., INEP KSC RAS, Apatity, Russia

Ottesen O., professor, PhD, UIN, Bodø, Norway

Voytekhovsky Y.L., professor, D. Sc., GI KSC RAS, Apatity, Russia

Zhigunova G.V., professor, D. Sc., MASU, Murmansk, Russia

Zhirov V.K., member-correspondent RAS, D. Sc., PABGI KSC RAS, Apatity, Russia


Address of the Steering Committee:

Polar Geophysical Institute,

15 Khalturina St., Murmansk, 183010 Russia


Tel.: (8152) 253958, +79212752759

Fax: (8152) 253559