
12.02.2013-13.02.2013, Murmansk
Theoretical and practical conference of young scientists “2013 is a year of environmental protection in Russia”

Dear colleagues!

Federal Fishing Agency and Murmansk State Technical University conduct full and correspondence theoretical and practical conference of young scientists

“2013 is a year of environmental protection in Russia

Young scientists, postgraduate students, students and bachelors are invited to participate in scientific conference.

Problems of environmental protection attract greater attention of specialists and scientists. Urgent problems of biosphere and people’s health preservation will be discussed at the conference. You have a unique opportunity to get new knowledge and share experience with colleagues.

 Conference sections:  

1. Modern  problems and health protection of Northern population.

2. Rational use of water bioresources. Рациональное использование водных биоресурсов.

3. Anthropogenic impact on ecosystems (natural, quasinatural, environment created by man).

Participation is free.