Spitsbergen Conference

Главная » Spitsbergen Conference » Requirements for publication

Requirements for publication

Terms of participation
Program Committee
Organizing Committee
Registration fee
Conference program
Requirements for publication
Keynote topics
Conference materials

Abstracts of the Conference will be published by the beginning of the Conference. Extended research materials are planned to be published in a special issue of "Herald of the Kola Science Center" magazine.


The paper should be within 2 pages (without pictures or tables). The paper is to be printed with single-spaced text and 12 pt type Times New Roman in MS Word 2003 or higher (without styles and macros) or RTF. References should be given at the end of the document in alphabetical order (without numeration). References in the text should be given as follows: (2nd name, 1st name, 2005).


Rules for "Herald of the Kola Science Center RAS" journal articles. General requirements for the preparation of articles are listed on the official page of the journal http://www.kolasc.net.ru/herald/submission_of_manuscripts.html.

Papers and articles not satisfying aforementioned requirements and sent after June 1, 2020 (for abstracts) and later June 15, 2020 (for articles) will not be accepted by the Organizing Committee.