XX International Scientific Conference for Students and Postgraduates “PROBLEMS OF THE ARCTIC REGION”
17-18 May 2023,

In 2009 staff of the Institute performed research works within the bounds of fundamental research programmes of Presidium and departments of RAS (5 projects), Federal Target Programme (FTP) “The great oceans” (2 projects), FTP “Researches and и developments in priority areas of science and technology complex advance of Russia in 2007-
FTP “The world oceans”
Subprogram “Research of the world oceans nature”
Project 2008-МО-5-08 “Comprehensive research of processes, characteristics of Barents and White seas resources”. Research supervisor – academician G.G. Matishov
Project 2008-МО-2-02 “Reserch of marine ecosystems and preservation technology development of biological resources of Russian seas under the increase of the influence on marine environment of natural and anthropogenic factors”. Research supervisor – academician G.G. Matishov
Federal Target Scientific and Technical Programme (FTSTP) “Researches and developments in priority areas of science and technology complex advance of
Programme actions 1.5 “Implementation of problem-oriented searching researches and creation of scientific and technical backlog in harmonious exploitation sphere”
Project 2008-05-1.5-16-02 “Comprehensive methods development of preservation of populations of salmon fishes diadromous species exploited variety in nothern and Far Eastern regions of
Programme actions 1.8. “Conducting researches with the usage of unique stands and facilities and unique objects of infrastructure (including observatories, botanical gardens, scientific museums etc.), scientific organizations and educational institution”
Project 2009-07-1.8-00-04-035 «Behaviour research and research of pinnipeds sensory system overland under water in the “Experimental research complex “
Fundamental research programme of Presidium
RAS “Fundumental problems of oceanology: physics, geology, biology, ecology”
Project “Anomality rates estimation of marine ecosysrems condition of European
Biological Science Department (BSD) RAS programme “Biological resources of
Project “Development of the monitoring condition foundations and population dynamics of Fucus – objects of Russian seas trade”. Research supervisor – Dr. of Biological Science G.M. Voskoboynikov.
Project “Monitoring of condition and dynamics of king crab population in the
Fundamental research Programme of Department of Earth Sciences RAS “Environment condition and prognosis of its dynamics under the influence of swift global and regional natural, social and economical changes”
Project “Ecological consequences of foreign organisms invasion in Barents and Black seas”. ”. Research supervisor – Dr. P. Makarevich
Project «Spatio-temporal dynamics of accumulation of radionuclides in the components of marine ecosystems (for example, the Arctic Sea and the Azov-Black Sea basin)». Research supervisor – corr. member of RAS D. Matishov
Russian Federarion Ministry of Economic Development and Trade
Programme «Fundamental Scientific Research on
Project «Research of contemporary periglacial processes, glacial deposits formation, coastal bioresources, rookeries, habitats of seals and polar bears on
Russian Federation Ministry of Defense
Project «Yagnenok»-C
Project «Research on the use of marine animals – pinnipeds for search, investigation and lift of products on ground». Research supervisor – academician G. Matishov
Radioecological Research